This is the finalized BanklessDAO Season 10 Specification.
Some Quick Reminders
- Seasonal Specifications are not to handle funding requests. Any organizational unit requesting funding should go through the Seasonal Budget Request process and be reviewed by the Grants Committee.
- Any changes to governance would need to be proposed with their own individual bDIPs (bDIP Template here).
The Seasonal Specifications are simply general operational specifications that allow organizational units to plan for the following season. While the Operations Department will manage the specifications we want as much input from DAO Members as possible so as to make decisions that align with members.
Operational/Governance Changes
These changes have been proposed and have independently passed a vote on the Forum and Snapshot during the current season. The vote on this Seasonal Specification will not impact the results of these previously-passed proposals.
- Seasonal Meta-governance delegation to DAOStewards.eth
- Snapshot
- DAOStewards was renewed as the official meta-governance group of BanklessDAO for Season 9, enabling the BanklessDAO Vault Multisig to delegate eligible governance tokens to DAOStewards upon request. DAOStewards will report back to the DAO at the end of each season and propose to renew the delegation.
- Tokenomics - Approve DAI Capital Efficiency Strategy
- Snapshot
- Idle BanklessDAO Vault DAI was deposited into the DAO’s Rari Fuse pool to earn 6.53% APY.
Community-Indicated Direction
These temp-checks have been posted on the Forum for discussion and voting, but their details are not ready for immediate implementation. This list indicates new experiments and directions the community is considering taking, but specifics are still being worked out. The vote on this Seasonal Specification will not impact the results of these discussions.
- Temp Check: Adopting Delegated Voting
- Temp Check: Adopting Delegated Voting
- This is a temp check on whether BanklessDAO should adopt a delegated voting model. As an extension of consent-based decision making, delegated voting will enable broader participation in the DAO’s governance.
- TEMP CHECK - BanklessDAO Citizenship Upgrade v1
- [TEMP CHECK] - BanklessDAO Citizenship Upgrade v1
- This post provides a suggested update to the model for BanklessDAO Citizenship. The post includes polls on exactly what form the upgraded citizenship model would take.
- [TEMP CHECK] GC - Community Call Update Requirement
- [TEMP CHECK] GC - Community Call Update Requirement
- This post proposes that each org unit in the DAO would be required to provide a general update on its activities at least once per month.
- [TEMP CHECK] BanklessDAO Grants Reform
- [TEMP CHECK] BanklessDAO Grants Reform
- This temp check seeks DAO feedback on potential solutions to challenges faced by the Grants Committee, some of which are considered to be existential threats to bDAO.
- Finders Fee Policies [Temp Check]
- Finders Fee Policies [Temp Check]
- This temp check aims proposes a model where individuals identifying and facilitating external funding sources for bDAO are provided with compensation valued at a percentage of the external funding amount.
- Temp Check - Does The DAO Need a Legal Entity?
- Temp Check - Does The DAO Need a Legal Entity? Does this need to be discussed?
- This is a temp check to determine the general DAO opinion of whether or not a legal wrapper might be needed for BanklessDAO.
If this seasonal specification proposal passes Snapshot, the following timeline will fall into place for Season 10:
Season 10 Operations Timeline
DAO Operational Timeline Notion Link
- January 2, 2024: Season 10 begins
- Week 1 or 2 : The Season 10 Kick-Off Event will be held on Twitter
- March 4: Funding Request Reminder will be announced
- March 17: All funding requests from guilds and departments to be posted to the Forum for the Grants Committee to review
- March 18-31: Grants Committee to work with groups to review funding requests
- April 1-7: Draft 1 of the Season 11 Specification to be posted to the Forums
- April 1-14: Grants Committee to work with groups to finalize funding requests
- April 1-14: Grants Committee Election applications accepted
- April 8-14: Draft 2 of the Season 11 Specification to be posted to the Forums
- April 15: The Season 11 Grants Committee election will be posted to Snapshot
- April 15: The Season 11 Specification will be posted to Snapshot
- April 15: The Season 11 Budget Request will be posted to Snapshot
- April 22, 2024 : Last day of Season 10
- April 23-29: Season 10-11 Break (7-day gap)
- Yes, I approve this Specification
- No, I reject this Specification
- Abstain
If you do not approve, please feel encouraged to open discussion in the comments below. This is a final draft, so there is still time to incorporate changes and suggestions before it goes to Snapshot.