Guild Funding Template

@Bananachain asked for my suggestion, and I suggested to add an adjusted forumla for member-based guild funding based on weeks instead of seasons. Here is that formula:

Season 8 Guild Funding = 16 * (21,000 + 770*#active member)

Up to a max of 1,247,680 BANK

To explain the formula, here’s the breakdown:

Seasonal Guild funding = (# weeks in season) * (weekly role compensation + weekly active member bonus)

# weeks in season = 16 (15 + 1 gap week for Season 8)

weekly role compensation = 21,000 BANK
    = 20,000 BANK (for guild-decided roles) + 1000 BANK  (Guild notion admin)

weekly active member bonus = 770 BANK * # active member
     (up to a maximum of 57,000 BANK/wk)

Why 770 BANK/week for active members? I took the previous seasonal amount (10K BANK), divided by 13 and rounded.

Why a max of 57K BANK/wk for member bonus? I took the amount of contribs that would max out the seasonal budget last season (74) and multiplied by 770 BANK.