Guild Funding Template

Title: Guild Funding Template
Authors; Editors: @senad.eth, @Bananachain
Date Created: Feb 26th, 2023
Dated Submitted: Mar 29th, 2023
Working Document: Google Doc


The following course outlines the information the Grants Committee seeks to receive from Guilds, who request their seasonal funding from the GC.

This Guild Funding Template shall replace the Proposal Template as well as Governance Proposal Template for the aforementioned purpose.

Funding Template Outline

Authors; Editors: (separate authors from editors by using a semicolon)
Date created: (date at which the proposal was initiated)
Date posted: (date at which the the proposal was posted on forum)
Wallet surplus: (detail any surplus available to you for the next season. Further details below)
Funds requested: (funding requested - in addition to any surplus above, where applicable)
Multisig: (list any multisig address used starting with ETH and hyperlink to the respective Safe address)
Multisig signers: (Please list all signers on the multisig)

Table of Contents

  5. LINKS


Guild Description

(Briefly outline the guild (max. 200 words))

Past activities

(Briefly summarise activities from last season)


(How does this guild help banklessDAO achieve its mission and align with its values?)


Guild Funding Formula

(In Season 7, BanklessDAO made changes to the seasonal length. This impacts the formula we use to calculate guild funding requests. Therefore, we ask Guilds to calculate their Season 8 funding request using the following formula:)

Season 8 Guild Funding = 16 * (21,000 + 770 * #active member)

…up to a maximum of 1,247,680 BANK

→ you can find the formula breakdown here.

Budget Breakdown

(How do you plan to distribute your funding within the guild?)

Current holdings

(What is the current balance of all assets in the guild wallets? If you have a surplus specify why. How do you want to use this going forward? What are the risks associated with your approach? Why, in your opinion, should this surplus not be deducted from your current funding ask? For example to reduce their surplus, guilds could request permission from the GC to support a guild internal project before this project approaches GC for further funding.)

Third party funding, sponsorships, external revenue

(Which additional funds do you receive or generate? This can be sponsorships, revenue generating activities, grants, non-financial benefits, donations etc.)


  • List your active members. How are they encouraged to “actively contribute” to the guild?
  • What’s your methodology of assessing active membership within the guild?


  1. Attending and participating in meetings - mandatory
  2. Taking ownership of tasks using your respective task board
  3. Successfully delivery of tasks assigned to members
  4. Voting on polls, roles, and any decisions affecting the projects’ & working groups
  5. Creating and/or editing content to be used internally or externally
  6. Participating in the development of guild initiative i.e. education programs
  7. Brainstorming and contributing to the creative process.
  8. Contributing to discussions on proposals in progress
  • At what intervals is this updated?
  • How is active membership status gained, tracked or lost?


(Provide where applicable)

  • Guild Notion Page
  • Working agreement including how to define active community)
  • Poll/grid capturing the guild affiliation of active community of outgoing season
  • Any other organisational information of interest


(What are your immediate next steps should this proposal be accepted and the funding disbursed? I.e. starting election process, ratifying agreements)

Do you think we should obligate guilds, which seek funding from the Grants Committee, to use the Guild Funding Template?

Use the following link to vote on discord: Poll


Is this meant to replace member-based guild funding? Can guilds now again ask for as much funding as they want for whatever they want?

If member-based guild funding stands, how should guilds account for the longer season length? The original formula assumed 13 weeks, so can we scale our asks for 16 weeks?

Example: Notion admin gets 1hour/wk = 13k/season in the formula. Can guilds now ask for 16k BANK for the new 16-week season?


I thought the whole point of member-based guild funding was the formula which specifies 4 roles and the anotion admin role, plus the amount per active member.
If that doesn’t live on the template where does it go? (I do have it included on the Constitution draft we’re working on).
Is it still valid?
Relevant to this, the Notion admin amount needs an increase to cater for the longer 15-week season in S8, or 16 with the gap week.


this proposal is to change the grant submission template, does not offer any changes to member-based guild funding. Budget breakdown and compensation breakdown is just asking for how the guild is planning to spend the funds. I think providing this information will drive the guilds to spend more wisely.


Hi Great questions! Based on bDIP-07: Set Season Length at 16 Weeks with Designated Downtime and The season 7 specification and community direction Snapshot votes.

Based on this template and the snapshot votes referenced above, there would be no funding method implemented.

Based on this template and the above referenced snapshot votes, there would be no specified formula for rolls.

What does this mean? It sounds like @raybankless.eth is saying to use the member-based guild funding formula, and you are saying not to use it. Furthermore I can’t find anything in the two linked posts which says that no funding method will be used.

Can you make it more clear ?


i think it should live in it’s own proposal (or in the constitution may be) and we can give a link in the template.

bDIP-07 does not address guild funding methods.

The S7 Spec does not address Member-Based Guild Funding, but it does address not moving forward with the Purpose-Driven Guild Funding approach. Also referenced are two votes to update the Project Funding Template and the Department Funding Template – no vote to update the Guild Funding Template.

This new template appears to provide little guidance on how Guilds should budget their requests, only to justify their requests with specifics. As written, this should be interpreted by Guilds as a removal of a cap on their funding request based on the number of defined active members.


I will try my best to. It is a bit unclear to me too.
I do not see any guidelines for Guilds on what funding method to use for Season 8 in this template, the bDIP-07 or the Season 7 Community Direction snapshot vote.
The only reference to funding is in the Season 7 Spec, which indicates it will not be Purpose Driven funding.
I am also unclear if this would need to be a bDIP, as written in the summary of this proposal, it would change the constitution. As of now, GC only reviews Seasonal budgets. They do not distribute budgets.

The GC announcement on March 25 [here] states that

Guilds and Departments should subtract the amount of BANK remaining in the multisig from the total BANK their Season 8 Budget requires.

This template requires instead a qualification process to explain and justify any existence or use of a surplus.

Current holdings

(What is the current balance of all assets in the guild wallets? If you have a surplus specify why. How do you want to use this going forward? What are the risks associated with your approach? Why, in your opinion, should this surplus not be deducted from your current funding ask? For example to reduce their surplus, guilds could request permission from the GC to support a guild internal project before this project approaches GC for further funding.)

Which instructions should Guilds and Departments follow in designing their funding requests for Season 8 (which are due in 9 days)?


I will try my best to. It is a bit unclear to me too.
I do not see any guidelines for Guilds on what funding method to use for Season 8 in this template, the bDIP-07 or the Season 7 Community Direction snapshot vote.
The only reference to funding is in the Season 7 Spec, which indicates it will not be Purpose Driven funding.
Possibly, a good route is just to plan for what is needed.

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The season 7 spec mentions a proposal to switch from member-based to purpose-driven guild funding which was pending at the time and did not ever pass.
Therefore the status quo stands, surely.

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Are you guys taking revenue gen into account now instead of the voted on member based guild funding?

These are the same question it seems.

This seems to be the same question again with outside funding. I also thought that the current funds were just deducted from the total ask.

It seems to me that this template is not complete.

Confusion over this template can be clarified if we were to understand the purpose of the template revisions, and the information it seeks to extract.

I don’t think the GC is trying to overturn the will of the DAO to have member-based guild funding, but the form does seem to imply that. So for us, please clarify:

  1. does this new template seek to overturn member-based guild funding, or does the GC believe it’s still the basis to fund guilds? I see this comment:

But I also see confusion amongst the GC. Perhaps a poll by the GC in the GC poll channel would help clarify the GC’s understanding of this template and what it seeks to accomplish. Part of the issue, of course, is that this template was put up before GC reached poll consensus. So move fast and break things, but maybe not that fast and not with guild funding.
2. And the real question that I think this template is geared towards, but is not stated anywhere, which is that GC seems to want to subtract S8 funding based upon S7 wallet holdings. Please clarify whether the GC is contemplating such an offset. Mindful of the attempt to do it last season was met with stiff resistance, not so much because of the idea, but of the way the GC attempted to implement it at the last minute with no notice. So I’d ask the GC to be transparent about their intent for S8.
Thank you!


@Bananachain asked for my suggestion, and I suggested to add an adjusted forumla for member-based guild funding based on weeks instead of seasons. Here is that formula:

Season 8 Guild Funding = 16 * (21,000 + 770*#active member)

Up to a max of 1,247,680 BANK

To explain the formula, here’s the breakdown:

Seasonal Guild funding = (# weeks in season) * (weekly role compensation + weekly active member bonus)

# weeks in season = 16 (15 + 1 gap week for Season 8)

weekly role compensation = 21,000 BANK
    = 20,000 BANK (for guild-decided roles) + 1000 BANK  (Guild notion admin)

weekly active member bonus = 770 BANK * # active member
     (up to a maximum of 57,000 BANK/wk)

Why 770 BANK/week for active members? I took the previous seasonal amount (10K BANK), divided by 13 and rounded.

Why a max of 57K BANK/wk for member bonus? I took the amount of contribs that would max out the seasonal budget last season (74) and multiplied by 770 BANK.


Thank you for working this out links
If guilds choose not to pay role holders for gap week do they just replace the 16 with a 15 ?


Let me start with a :face_exhaling: - I’m really sorry for the confusion my forum post has caused. It was the first time I used Governator to gather consensus. As an absolute noob in using the tool and as unfocused as I was I saw “approve” and thought “yeah, we have consensus”… lesson learned, my bad - I’ll take the blame!

More importantly, @Bananachain and I didn’t mean by any means to replace the member-based guild funding formula the DAO (and soon constitution) has adopted with this template. What we wanted was more clarity on a) outflows and allocation of existing funds (and the role of requested funds if there’s a surplus) and b) the methodology in defining active guild members.


I can just reiterate what was said before. The template is only meant as a tool to make the application process easier for the guilds and more comparable for the grants committee. A template would be an unsuitable tool to attempt a policy change anyway. I would suggest we and the guilds run with what we have here for now, collect the information we need, see what works and what needs further improvement and adjust this going forward. If it is felt there is any need for clarification we can always add an accompanying note.


This is really helpful

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Why was a limit of 4 roles included as a limit for funding?