Title: Marketing Department Season 9 Budget Proposal
Date Created: 2023-07-12
Date Posted: 2023-07-22
Funding Template Outline
Authors: OrnellaWeb3, Eren Targ, Boluwatife, Mr. V
Affiliation: Marketing Department
Funds requested: 1,268,000
Department multi-sig: 0xE5a64FC0d3396D11EB63d728791577E254Ac18Ca
Table of Contents
Department Description
BanklessDAO’s Marketing Department is a facilitator of all marketing activities related to the organization. Its main focuses are managing and organizing the DAO’s web2 and web3 social media platforms, such as Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Telegram, as well as providing strategy, planning, design, copywriting, and execution of marketing services to both internal BanklessDAO projects and external partners seeking to promote their message through our platforms. The coordination is managed in a way that facilitates a smooth process for all BanklessDAO projects to leverage the reach of the BanklessDAO social media channels, with a strong and special focus on Twitter.
The Department is divided into three main workstreams: Coordination, Content Creation, and Campaign Coordination. It collaborates with other touchpoints of the DAO, including the Newsletter Team, Global Events, DAOlationships, and International Media Nodes.
Past Activities
- Received marketing requests from 18 clients, internal and external.
- Delivered 5 external proposals, with 2 of them confirmed and to be worked on during S9.
- Repurposed content for social media, resulting in increased engagement.
- Executed BanklessDAO’s 2nd Birthday celebration.
- Creation of the new social media platform, Instagram Threads.
- Confirmed Lens handle from the Lens team, to be set up during S9.
- Currently discussing budget optimization and shifting costs from non-essential items like Telegram and gm.xyz to Instagram threads and Lens Protocol.
- Offered our integrated marketing and content creation to the Optimism Collective, with success. Workflow impulsed with the help of DAOstewards.
- Deep collaboration and coordination with projects like IMN, Bankless Publishing, and Bankless Africa, strengthening our offer as a media DAO.
- Upskilling and constant training of existing members, there is a high number of junior marketers and a low number of senior marketers. This implicates several rounds of feedback and content improvement.
Department Coordination Updates
- Two different weekly meetings are held with members of the department, Weekly Sync, and Content & Social Media Coordination, 28 meetings in total.
- This season we had several new members take roles for the first time, this implicated several rounds of feedback and onboarding calls or sessions so they could kick-start their own workstreams.
- Constant education and coordination of the different workstreams.
- New L1 memberships: coffee-crusher.
- Upkeep on Department documentation.
- Attended 8 collaboration requests and tool offerings on behalf of the Department.
- Attended ETH Barcelona and ETHCC, meeting with partners and clients, and promoting the Marketing Department’s services.
- Upkeep of tooling for the Marketing Department: Google Suite, Typefully, and Twitter Blue.
- Kickstarted a new #bankless-branding workstream.
Talent Coordination
- Season 8 witnessed the successful onboarding of 10 talented individuals into the marketing department, ensuring their active and productive involvement.
- Held 14 onboarding sessions with Talent Coordinator. New members received comprehensive explanations about our campaign and content creation workflow.
- Provided guidance to new members on adhering to our standards for effective content creation and fulfilling bounties while maintaining quality through proper compliance with all requirements and procedures.
A fully onboarded member is someone who has completed their onboarding call, delivered the Marketing Department First Quest, and minted their POAP.
S8 Onboarded Members
Content Creation
- Streamlined content creation and coordination workflow to enhance efficiency and uphold quality standards.
- Emphasized organic content creation, integrating the first educational content from the Education Department with plans for ongoing consistency throughout the season.
- Aligned with the United Nations calendar and web3 space by celebrating special days, aiming to continue generating organic content around trending topics until the season’s end and beyond.
- Successfully delivered 10 pieces of content workflows across all social media platforms, following the department’s content strategy.
List of S8 Community Proposed Content
- Bitcoin Pizza Day
- Crypto Basics Series: The Beginner’s Guide to Promoting NFTs
- DAOs and the Future of Education
- World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
- Summer Solstice
- World Music Day
- Word Puzzle
- Social Media Day
- Educational Session from the Education Department
Social Media
For a detailed report on the status of our social media channels, please redirect here:
Social Media Analytics and Growth
- In summary during Season 8 we increased our focus on cross-content sharing between twitter, Instagram, tiktok, LinkedIn.
- We also purchased Twitter blue subscription to increase our reach and engagement and we gave new onboarded members a chance to showcase their talents in content creation for social media.
- There was not a significant growth in our followers this season, but we did have an increase in the number of tweets and content we pushed out and also an increase in engagement rate.
Campaign Coordination
Campaigns are categorized as:
A - Internal BanklessDAO Campaigns
B - IntraDAO or Partner Campaigns (intraguild, intradepartmental, DAO2DAO).
C - External Campaigns
Season 8 campaigns include:
A - Gitcoin Citizen Round
A fundraising campaign, 8.5K DAI raised for BanklessDAO projects, awaiting matching pool results.
A - Clr.fund
A fundraising campaign, awaiting matching pool results
A - Panvala x BanklessDAO
Fundraising campaign. Bringing awareness to BanklessDAO through Panvala stamps, finalized, waiting for matching results and funds.
B - Global Events Campaigns
In collaboration with the Global Events team, we pushed content for NFT Tallin, Spaghett.ETH, ETH Barcelona, Coinpost, and diverse ETH events around the world.
B - BanklessDAO Legal Clinic
Awareness campaign for the Legal Guild’s Legal Clinic, an intraDAO collaboration.
B - Time-Locked BANK
Campaign for time-locked BANK, ongoing.
B - Bankless Loans
Liquity front-end built by BanklessDAO, ongoing campaign.
C - Cruize Finance
Finalized, funding received during S7.
C - Awareness of the Optimism Mision and Vision
Governance proposal created for the Optimism Collective in collaboration with Bankless Publishing, International Media Nodes, and Bankless Africa. 70K OP grant approved, funds to be received during season 9, campaign currently in execution until mid-season 9.
- Focus: Creating an inclusive, motivated, and goal-oriented guild based on past Governance challenges.
- Primary objective: Assist MD with a conducive framework for contributor-driven growth and implementation.
- Proposals were written and passed through consensus-building processes based on the Department’s Constitution.
Active Initiatives and Constitution Updates
- Content Manager Role
- BanklessDAO Co-Marketing Campaigns
- Active Member Proposal
- Proposal on updating the TikTok Micro Role
- Governance Mechanism Framework For Proposals
- Requirements for Micro-Role Holder Election Applications
Goals for Season 9
- Increase the total number of internal campaigns to promote more guilds/department new and existing projects by 15%.
- Increase our client conversion/closing rate for external clients with an income goal of 10K USD.
- Work on a data driven proof of performance and growth of our current campaigns and implement ways to strengthen the campaign capacities of the department through;
- gathering and analysing data from campaigns to understand what works best for our clients and use this information to optimize future strategies.
- Prioritizing understanding our clients’ unique needs, objectives, and target audience. And tailor our campaigns accordingly to deliver measurable results and build lasting partnerships.
- Showcasing success stories through clients testimonials and case studies. Demonstrating proven results that further builds our credibility and attracts us new clients.
Give more focus to twitter engagement by being more active to DM requests and reach out to our followers.
- Set up a bounty pool to encourage and retroactively pay governance participation.
- Creation of Marketing Department Active Member Tag for governance rights.
Our mission is to amplify the values of BanklessDAO, by delivering creative web3 marketing solutions to help the BanklessDAO initiatives, partners, and clients get in front of the right people with the right message.
We use the reach and reputation of bDAO as an opportunity for other web3/crypto projects that are aligned with the mission and values of BanklessDAO.
Marketing Department Constitution
Budget Breakdown
Role Holder Compensation | 560,000 |
Micro-Role Holder Compensation | 168,000 |
Coordinape | 200,000 |
Bounties | 270,000 |
Funding for Internal Projects (Campaign Type A) | 120,000 |
Seasonal Budget | 1,318,000 |
Expected Leftover | -50,000 |
Compensation Breakdown
Cost Item | |
Guild Coordinator | 112,000 |
Campaign Coordinator | 112,000 |
Social Media Coordinator | 112,000 |
Talent Coordinator | 112,000 |
Governance Coordinator | 56,000 |
Treasury Coordinator | 56,000 |
Meta Micro-Role | 32,000 |
Twitter Micro-Role | 32,000 |
LinkedIn Micro-Role | 32,000 |
TikTok Micro-Role | 32,000 |
Content Manager | 40,000 |
Coordinape | 200,000 |
- Department Notion Page: https://www.notion.so/bankless/BanklessDAO-Marketing-Department-f5e5e567aeaf47a9b07577f794eaf6c2
- Working agreement (including how to define active community): https://www.notion.so/bankless/Our-Constitution-Marketing-Department-b9a9abd2a0444a5685ff4d64f1c22679?pvs=4
#Agree with the Marketing Department Proposal
- Yes
- No (pls comment)