Media Nodes Model for Applications/Leads, Verification, Benefits, and Accountability

Overall, this proposal is very sound… An intro to “media nodes”, their role and purpose as it relates to engaging the community would be a good up front edition to the proposal. I am trying to unpack that in my mind, so if something clicks, I’ll make a suggestion. I really like that this is building a virtuous commercial relationship between Bankless and those members who become Media Nodes. I’m not on the discord yet, so I don’t have background, but I think the Web 2.0 analogy is affiliate programs… You do realize that if you build that, you would be disrupting a multi-billion dollar industry :). Just saying and yeah, i want to be a part of that, so if anyone has any influence on how to get Devin_S into the discord, I’d love to join a meeting of the minds as you initiate this program… I’d love to be Media Node 1 if I could or top 10… I have an aggressive growth plan myself and this provides a very ideal win/win support model, if I read it right.

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