Web 3 Professionals (Podcast & Media Project)

Authors: Feems #4876
Squad: Feems #4876,Jasu#9801, Son#9840,kairon#7878,fa3io.eth#1732, ZimTeemo#1909


Web 3 Professionals is a podcast with video elements (short clips and shorts) intended to be published on BDAO YouTube (and streaming channels) that explores the stories of founders and professionals working in web3 and the services/tools/products that service web3 workers or are used frequently by them. Five episodes have been recorded and edited; this proposal requests funds for the recording and post-production work for five more (to provide much more diversity to season 1).

Also, we are requesting funds for work to develop a high-quality brand and marketing efforts for a successful product launch and growth and generate revenue for the DAO.

To make any media product successful, it requires a clearly defined target audience, the opportunity to reach that audience, clear branding, and offering something people need. Now the assets are ready, and to ensure the success of this product, we are requesting additional funding for compensation for branding/design, marketing (working with Marketing Guild for Twitter strategy), product launch strategy, content, and production & post-production work for five episodes (to add diverse voices for season 1).

The launch date for the first episode is December, 2022/January 2023 (noting the holiday season if guilds will be low in the workforce), and we will continue to launch episodes bi-weekly in audio format. There is also an opportunity to stagger the launch of micro-content on YouTube and bDAO media platforms.

As a project, we have selected team members from different guilds (marketing, design, av) with professional backgrounds for successful implementation to produce high-quality content. Any additional tasks and needs will be indicated as a bounty.

Requesting a total of 310,000 BANK

  • Branding and Design (streaming channels and new episodes) BANK
  • Marketing
  • Content Writing & Editing for Bankless publications
  • Podcast Production & Post Production - including content produced for Bdao Youtube
  • Guild Coordination/Ambassadors

Web 3 Professionals provides the following for the DAO and its intended market:

  • New and engaging content for our YouTube (short, clipped sections of the interview that most appeal to the target audiences, YouTube shorts (exploring micro-content). We have permission from AV Guild to provide high-quality and relevant content for that channel.
  • A new show that is unique and hasn’t been explored but will help in bridging the gap for regular professionals to see themselves working in web3 ( from marketers to accountants)
  • A better understanding of the products and services we use all the time or options that can better serve us as DAO contributors.
  • Alignment with BanklessDAO’s mission to help the world go Bankless by creating user-friendly onramps for people to discover decentralized financial technologies through education, media, and culture.
  • Increased diversity in our media products (female-hosted and executive produced)

Target Market

  • Crypto-curious professionals (marketers, researchers, accountants etc.) looking to work in DAOs and web3
  • DAO operators (to learn about the people and tools they use)
  • Web3 freelancers to learn about services and resources that will help them (taxes, extended health care etc.)


In Season 5, we received 52,000 BANK to produce five episodes (record, design, post-production, video editing production) via an internal grant with AV Guild. This was to test out the product idea and receive support from the guild for the post-production work. The funding was as low as this was to act as an exploration/discovery to see if this would produce quality work and concept work (on the content, guests, and testing out what hybrid AV content can look like). Five episodes were recorded, including video (for micro-content) and audio (podcast).

Interviews conducted (compensated in season 5):

  • Joshua - Opolis
  • Zach Anderson - Coordinape
  • Richie Bonilla - Quests.xyz/Clarity
  • Jody - Work DAO
  • Joey DeBruin - Backstage Labs

Upcoming (requesting funds in this proposal - female interviewees)

  • Anjali - Collab Land (recorded)
  • Aries Law - crypto lawyer/bDAO member (booked in Nov)
  • Jade Katz - founder of Myles and luna, tech by choice (booked in Nov)
  • Quantam Alpha House - digital asset analyst, contributor at MetaGammaDelta DAO (booked in Dec)
  • Jessica Taggert Co-founder & COO of http://ILUMA.xyz (booked in Nov)


Total Ask: 310,000 BANK

Podcast Coordinator/Lead Feems: 80,000 BANK

Podcast production and post-production for five episodes - 50,000 BANK

  • Video edit (colour correction, cuts, audio matching, and editing, two short 5 min clips and YouTube shorts)
  • Sound engineering
  • Recording
  • Coordination/booking
  • Episode show notes

Design: 60K BANK

  • Branding Kit for funding
  • Editable Template for Youtube Videos, Audio Streaming Channels, Twitter Promo

*A brand book: a guide that includes visual assets to generate a brand universe that allows for generating better customer engagement and visual identity

*Editable templates: to generate agile, attractive and consistent content that allows our content production to be systematized and efficient

Writing/Editing Articles: 50K BANK

  • Ten 500–1,000-word articles (on podcast themes, compensation, protections for workers, equity etc.)
  • Article Editor (10 articles) = 50,000 BANK

Marketing Content- 10K BANK

  • Twitter copy (for BDAO) and promotion - 10,000 BANK

Guild Collaboration

To better utilize the different Bankless platforms and to provide content that aligns with guild priority and content calendar. As well as to ensure content meets the requirements to be on those channels. This is to compensate for the time and effort of the guild member who will be required to act as an intermediary between the project and the guild.

Marketing Guild Coordinator: 20K (Son)

  • Coordination for Bankless Twitter (schedule)
  • Activities include: reviewing copy, media

AV Coordinator:20K

  • bDAO YouTube

OnChian Proof of Work

We will be using Quests.xyz (a new tool created by the team behind Clarity.so).

With Quests, we will have a mobile-first web page for this project where contributors can join the quest, see all relevant links & files, and submit their contributions. The contributions will be verified by the organizers of the quest. Once the project is completed, the contributors can showcase their contributions on their Quest portfolio, and everyone will receive an NFT that represents their level of involvement in the quest.

This creates both an on-chain and off-chain proof of work. As more quests are completed within our community, we can use this contribution network to recruit contributors for future projects and vet their past contributions. The on-chain Quests NFT is an interoperable credential that contributors can showcase in their wallets and can be used on other platforms that support on-chain assets.


If we want to onboard a billion people to go Bankless and go full-time DAO, we need to show them how and be clear about what to expect (i.e. wait to quit your day job).

BanklessDAO is about education, and this provides education through the storytelling of the individual’s experience and the tools and services they offer to address the needs of workers.


Outside of living on the BDAO YouTube Channel like other projects, for example, Crypto Sapiens, it will carry its brand design, - but will attribute bDAO as “produced in bDAO or a bDAO-supported project.” on our YouTube channel and other social channels.


  • Reach on Twitter posts
  • Views on Youtube
  • Listens on streaming channels
  • Views of articles
  • Attendees on Twitter spaces


  • Record the five episodes
  • Develop brand and design assets
  • Develop a marketing calendar
  • Post-production of episodes
  • Develop a launch strategy


Feems (Project Lead/Executive Producer/Host) has been doing podcast executive production and creative production for over two years and as well as extensive public speaking and hosting skills ( podcasts, formal events, Twitter spaces) and is familiar with the production process of creative media, marketing, research and strategy (product-market fit). Also has extensive experience leading projects and initiatives in the DAO space. Feems also has over six years of experience in digital communications and social media content development/strategy, working for non-profits, government, foreign affairs and tech sectors.

ZimTeemo (Audio Engineer) is an audio engineer with experience as a live and studio musician, podcast host, and live streamer. He has been AV Guild Coordinator and is currently Talent Coordinator. Work by Zim can be seen on his own YouTube, Twitch and Lens accounts and behind the scenes on DAOlationships AMAs on bDAO YouTube (Nation3, Kresko Finance, MoonDAO, Beanstalk).
MoonDAO AMA BanklessDAO AMA with MoonDAO - May, 10th, 2022 - YouTube
Intro to Lens Protocol Intro to Lens Protocol - YouTube

Fa3io.eth (Video Editor) has a solid background in project and production management and digital art with experiences and collaborations worldwide, primarily specializing in immersive multimedia exhibitions. A long time of expertise in design, branding, digital marketing, and as a musician, all applied now to diverse projects in web3. He is currently part of the YouTube QC team in AV Guild.

PORTFOLIO: https://fa3io.myportfolio.com/

Jasu (Branding and Product Strategist)

Product Designer and Business Consultant for LATAM tech innovators companies. With experience in agile design and implementation of business models, leading teams in design, technology, marketing and sales. Currently, I advise different companies to scale sustainably. Also doing brand strategist and launching projects from scratch.

My studio: https://launchy.me

Kairon (Content Writer and Marketing Specialist) is a content marketing specialist with experience launching brand campaigns for tech brands, web3 projects and DAOs. He’s Rabbithole’s content lead and contributor to JUMP, RADAR, Developer DAO and several others. His work can be found on Rabbithole’s mirror publication, as well as his own

Portfolio - Kairon - Links | Barracuda

  • Fund Project
  • Not yet (please specify why)

0 voters


Great job @feems ! A few things I love about this proposal:

  1. Building a culture of cross-guild/project/ecosystem collab
  2. Talking with the Writers Guild prior to seeking our services
  3. Track record of prior work in the same area
  4. Reasonable BANK ask
  5. We need more content-producing projects!



Thanks, Hiro, I had also thought of way to make the GC job easier by collabing with Quest and also figuring out a way for proof of work that will be easily displayed and provide an opp for contributors to showcase the projects they worked on easier. This proposal has gone through an internal temp check and feedback from many people esp in guilds


This is a fantastic project, there are too many tools and web3-related services to understand it properly. Having this in easy-to-access professional content would help to onboard more people into web3, which is the purpose of bDAO!

Apart from that, I would like to see how this project evolves and how much it can bring to bDAO as it evolves.

I am supportive of this initiative with a very strong bDAO team led by @feems!!!


Anyone who has heard your other productions online knows you are the right person for this. @feems :clap::clap::clap::clap:


Congratulations @feems and the rest of the project team on coming this far.

I’d have a few questions with regards to this proposal and I hope you can help me find answer to them:

  • How many ‘short clips’ do you expect can be created based on the upcoming interviews? Is there a number of short clips created from the 5 interviews you already conducted that can be taken as orientation?

  • Can you be a bit more specific about the length of the articles the project team wants to publish? I think a ‘number x ±10%’ might be appropriate? What do you think?

  • Furthermore, where do you plan to publish the articles? Using mirror may make you eligible for more infrastructure grants as it would unlock and ‘public good component’ to your project.

  • Can you elaborate a bit more on how the funds for marketing & AV guild coordinatoion are going to be used? What are the responsibilities that constitute the budget requested?

  • Can you be more specific about the KPIs and state numbers that support these metrics? For example how many youtube views do you expect in total/episode after season 6 etc.?

  • What’s the path towards self-sovereignty for this project? Is it sponsorship? If yes, when do you expect to land the first sponsorship?

  • Have you thought about joining podcast hatchery’s Incubator/Accelerator program course to bootstrap this project? Podcast hatchery supports "podcast development for content creators, within the DAO, to support logistics, design, production, research, writing, and distribution of podcasts." Working hatchery and other podcast formats like bounty hunter and/or making bank might help increasing viewership and landing sponsorship earlier.

I’m looking forward to more details. I do share the general sentiment in the comment section, a lovely initiative with a squad capable of getting stuff done!

Hi @senad.eth thanks for your questions and inquiries I will respond through each bullet point (bullet rep the number)

  • In terms of short clips I have been testing shorts and micro interviews through global events as a way to test how to increase views on our youtube channel. Coupled with my direct marketing my micro videos have shown good views ( 100, 300). The short clips will contain the most relevant advice for web3 workers ( relevant to our members - “what sort of advice would you give yourself if you were starting now” I ask this in every episode) the micro-content is less about the person/brand being interviewed but the information they can provide as insight in working in web 3.

Articles - Artcles will be posted on mirror ( so they can be collected) , and if any are relevant to the WG team we can work collaboratively in supplying a modified version appropriate for the newsletter. This will also test out other methods of reputation and value that the pod can bring ( It will also allow me to see if such topics are relevant to the targeted audiences). As well as another place for sponsorship placement.

How funds will be used from a team level I believe I have indicated in detail - in terms of the coordination ( price has been indicated) - the reason why I put the coordinator role as from my experience in global events coordinating with marketing in regards to posts, copy, if media is appropriate takes some time on their end. I think for the success of both, there needs to be a period of strategy so we provide content that is relevant to their schedule to increase engagement and views since the micro-content (3-5 min) will be promoted, not the whole podcast. Just micro video content that is relevant to BDAO and anticipates higher views. High engagement on twitter benefits Responsibilities of the coordinator would be: coordinating with the guild to post, and advisory on content submitted (align with schedule, relevant top of mind, also is it allowed and reviewing Tweet copy/edit ( I will write it). This is an approach to create a stronger relationship with guilds and projects.

Each micro episode I am shooting for at least over 30 views, north star goal 100 during a 4-month period (as views can increase over time) of it being on (all depends on discoverability and strong branding, collaborative efforts in marketing will increase it). My full content and other micro-content will be tested out on Lenstube (my own to test out the platform)

I am in the process of applying for sponsorship and will be applying for grants - it seems promising.In terms of sovereignty this is a one time ask on a project as a whole. However if it is beneficial as a token utility or attracting senior professionals to the DAO (eg:consesys employee) working on a project
that is established, has a product market fit and runs more centralised we can then look at developing roles that would be up to 35K to increase more L1 members and engage more specialized professionals (since we are in need of more video editors). If they have something that can add value to their portfolio and only need a few hours people will be more inclined to participate. Using quest, we will have a pathway for contributors to showcase their work on a project on a chain. Our biggest issue in AV for newbies is that we don’t have an apprenticeship-type model ( which I think is similar in other guilds as well - we need to trust peoples capability and work ethic before bringing them on a project), if projects already scoped created micro tasks that can all be done by one person that’s a way to test them. Example: researchers and writers of show notes ( I can scope micro tasks that at the end of a season will provide that individual with enough BANK to be an L1 and have something to show of their work, as well as a recommendation from the project lead if there work is good so other projects can take them on).

The podcast hatchery is for those that need a team or assistance in the development of their podcasts. I have been a podcast EP for two years, I have my team, and from that experience, I am aware that the biggest issue is discoverability and leveraging our guilds and talent (also to get paid).

My biggest assistance need is the sound/video and branding work which is very important to a product, especially when pitching to sponsors.

Please let me know if I have missed anything happy to provide more clarity. A few things I look at when forming this proposal - is it feasible, impactful, and priced fair ( this was shared internally with guild leads and guilds for feedback). As well as thinking about how do projects scout and onboard quality talent and how do we convert more guest passer to L1 as the more members we have the better for governance and also BANK health


Thank you for the proposal @feems and team :zap::rocket::sun_with_face:

With the recent events in the crypto space, I say we double down and pump more truly bankless media/content out there. The world is in desparate need of legit crypto media/education the Bankless way.

Can you provide clarity on the ff:

  1. how many episodes do you aim to produce with the funding ask - I count 10?

  2. if this is a one-time funding ask, what happens if at the end, you don’t get any sponsorship/grant, will you drop the project or come back for another funding round.

  3. I would also love some more details on the shorts/streaming platform strategy
    e.g, Do you plan on leveraging Tiktok since it’s the clear leader in shorts?

Hi @thinkDecade, yes I agree more than ever do we need some practical resources and education to allow for a sustainable transition for the crypto-curious professional or web3 freelance worker with a more pragmatic and human-centric approach to things.

Please find below my responses to your inquiry;

  1. 5 episodes are already produced (with 52K a small amount provided by the AV guild to build it last season); the proposal asks for funding for an additional 5 (to cover the episodes with female guests). In total for season 1 there are 10 episodes.
  2. I will self-fund it (it just will involve less people in that way). I already have five episodes recorded. The proposal requests funding for 5 more episodes (of female guests). I don’t want to release the men and then following the women bc that would appear as a separation of genders. The proposal also includes design and branding work, which would greatly assist in our current sponsorship pitching process as it includes a pitch deck and templates. One of the most important aspect of a product is it’s presentation - as my target market is more web2 they expect a particular presentation in their digital media products. So do sponsors.
  3. No I will not be using TikTok ( I disagree with the T&S ) the purpose of the micro-content is to provide relevant content that is needed for our Youtube. The micro-content provided will be on the speaker’s insight for future web3 professionals (which is relevant for BDAO members). We don’t currently have such content on our BDAO Youtube. Also, to note that my target market is more millennials (working professionals not necc in web3 and non-web3 natives working in web3). We also have yet to share similar information on our Twitter so this is a win win.

The actual marketing strategy is not to rely on BDAO ofc, but also begins with the selection of the guests, how to leverage their network, bringing in topics that are top of mind and relevant and not covered, as well as trying out content on other platforms (Linkedin, Lenstube). Not to mention we will provide different types of content that surround this podcast ( articles, micro-content for our Twitter, twitter space etc). This comes with an understanding that.

Think of this proposal not just as a funding request but also as a project that has applied a process for other guilds to leverage this content for their own goals, a pathway through proof of work (I got on the beta on quest from interviewing them so who knows what other alpha I can get to benefit the DAO). I also haven’t seen proposals for projects that have incorporated synergies guilds, pathways for work validation and ones that have thought of pathways for apprentiship/converting guest passers to L1

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aren’t we funding podcast hatchery to do things like this. And why are we paying for the development of products when we should be paying to develop services? very backwards and Traditional Approach in my opinion, Web 3 professionals should already have their Media Node to produce this product.