Writers Guild Season 8 Budget

Funding Template Outline

Authors; Editors: HiroKennellyᵍᵐ🏴#0001; Trewkat#1933

Date created: 4/6/23

Date posted: 4/7/23

Wallet surplus: n/a

Funds requested: TBD end of Season

Multisig: 0xe7636c7ef670a3Bcf772D9d57244c9e88aD90437

Multisig signers: nonsensetwice#3475, HiroKennellyᵍᵐ🏴#0001; Trewkat#1933, AustinFoss (UTC-7)#7340, tomahawk :black_flag:#3011, anointingthompson1.eth​:eagle:#0900, WinVerse#2755

Table of Contents








Guild Description

The Writers Guild was the first guild to be established in the DAO, and it continues to provide a home for web3 writers to upskill their writing and contribute to the DAO’s five newsletters and/or Bankless Publishing. Some Writers Guild members are also active as writers or editors in other teams throughout the DAO, collaborating on projects where clear written communication is needed.

Past Activities

During Season 7, the Writers Guild focused on education for current members through live editing sessions, fun writing challenges, a dedicated learning channel and Notion page, and the seasonal Writers Cohort. Onboarding new talent to our related projects has been an important goal, including work on a new project, tentatively titled the Web3 Wayfinder. As always, we work to further refine our governance practices and documentation.

  • The Office of Talent Management focused on onboarding new members to our Guild and projects, nurturing the growth of existing contributors, and maintaining and promoting positive vibes throughout the Guild.

  • Marketing continued its regular cadence of tweets for all five newsletters, writing tweet threads for our articles, and producing the Weekly Rollup Recap, a visual recap of the Weekly Rollup newsletter.

  • Governance continued moving forward with refinement of the Writers Guild Governance Framework, including updating guidelines for multisig signers and role tag management.

  • The Education Coordinator held a weekly live editing session for Guild members and others to watch our editors in action, refining contributors’ skills along the way. The recordings have been added to Notion and can be accessed by all DAO members.

  • To help BanklessDAO members gain confidence in writing and publishing, we continued our partnership with Taptive to run a cohort-based writing program. This program is designed to improve writing, grow members’ online reputation, and strengthen the relationship between members. For Cohort 4, we’ve created a streamlined pathway for publication of suitable pieces on Bankless Publishing.


The Writers Guild is strongly aligned to the DAO’s core mission: creating user-friendly onramps to help people learn about the transformative power of decentralized financial technologies and the broader web3 ecosystem. In service of that mission, the Guild talent pool supports the production of five newsletters and Bankless Publishing, whose teams work together to ship more than 50 newsletters and articles each season.


Season 8 Guild Funding = 16*(21000 + 770*50) = 952,000 (as of April 7, 2023 - will update at the end of Season 7).

Budget Breakdown

This budget is based on a 16-week season, including gap-week compensation and is reflective of current active contributor counts as of April 7, 2023. We will update this budget at the end of Season 7.

Roles RemunerationAmount Bounty Pool Total
Guild Coordinator 112,000 12,000 BANK 124,000 BANK
Talent Scout 112,000 15,000 BANK 127,000 BANK
Education Coordinator 112,000 10,000 BANK 122,000 BANK
Treasurer 112,000 5,000 BANK 117,000 BANK
Marketing Coordinator 112,000 15,000 BANK 127,000 BANK
Governance Coordinator 112,000 12,000 BANK 124,000 BANK
Notion Admin 16,000 BANK - 16,000 BANK
Writers Workshop Lead 140,000 BANK - 140,000 BANK
Guild Bounty Pool for projects, ad hoc bounties, and contributor rewards. 55,000 BANK 55,000 BANK
Total Budget Request 952,000 BANK

Current Holdings

The Guild’s current surplus is partly carryover from prior seasons and partly revenue from associated project sponsorships. There are still payments to make for the remainder of Season 7, including a potential Coordinape round for active members. We will use these existing funds to support proto-projects before asking for GC funds, as we continue to operate as an independent, self sovereign organizational unit within the DAO.


Active membership count is 50 as of April 7, 2023. Will update at the end of Season 7.

An active member is defined as anyone who has earned a bounty in the Writers Guild or in a related project during the season. Related projects are Newsletters and Bankless Publishing.


Guild Notion Page


Bankless Publishing


Writers Guild will continue to progress ‘For Words’ into Season 8. New members are always welcome and can hop into any of the four weekly meetings to introduce themselves and start writing.


Hi @hirokennelly Great proposal, Thank you!
I have a few questions before I can vote -

  1. Is 50 the number of active members for Season 7?
    I count 40 on the board that is linked (full disclosure, that was a quick glance count)

These roles are not included with member based funding.

  1. The amount of BANK remunerated for each role seems high. I believe it should be 80,000 BANK/season/roll holder.
    Or 5K BANK/week

  2. The bounty pool that is set aside for each role holder, is that for tasks outside of the scope of their role? If so why not just 1 bounty pool?
    It just seems like there is little BANK left in the bounty pool

gm! There’s nothing to vote on, since it’s a formula-based approach. No poll is required.

Take another look at the doc, you’ll see two columns for contributors. Screenshot 2023-04-08 at 12.33.46 PM

Guilds can create roles and compensate as they see fit - the beauty of self-sovereignty. Member-based guild funding provides a minimum amount of funding for defined roles, not a maximum nor a limit on the roles created.

Role-based bounty pools enable such holders to compensate for work w/in the scope of their role. For the at-large pool - that number will increase commensurate with our active member count, which we expect to increase as we close out the season.