Election of a new Bankless DAO Ombuds member, who will substitute Eagle (elected in the Grants Committee).
The community has voted in favor of the establishment of a Bankless DAO Ombuds 2. The Ombuds office is an informal, impartial, independent, neutral and confidential place for community members to address concerns. Members may contact the Ombuds office to report any forms or types of abuse, dysfunctions, shortfalls, delays, violations concerning the functioning of the DAO. The Ombuds office is composed by 5 members.
Eagle has been elected to the Grants Committee for Season 2. Due to the incompatibility with the role of Ombuds member, he has to leave his position.
Two members applied for the position. Please vote for one of the candidates! Voting closes on October 30, 11:59 pm.
- mgoesdistance
- DieSchwarzeKatze
0 voters