Design Guild Season 6 Guild Funding Proposal

The Design Guild Season 6 Funding proposal

Author: Reinis

Team: TohlHouseCookie, Whales BDAO, IsrealRex, fiyin, ab_colours, Chrisfcrypto

Date posted: October 14, 2022

Organising as: Guild

Funding mechanism: Member-based Funding

650,000 BANK (39 Active members + 4 roles)

Definition/Calculation of ”Active” member:

Design guild Artisan (39):


Recap of season 5:

The main objective of S5 for Design guild was to implement the guild membership proposal - creating a smooth system of registering active design contributors in BanklessDAO, this wasn’t easy, but we managed to create a process which is trackable and easily implemented.

Plans for Season 6:

With the Talent pool within the Design guild we want to improve our services to the DAO and outside clients. Design Guild is actively working on the Drawing Board project, which is to be a Design service brand, with the goal of providing talent with work in order to retain it, and pursuing marketing activities to attract more talent, you can view an overall road map below. Roadmap Author Jasu

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With the Talent pool within the Design guild we want to improve our services to the DAO and outside clients. Design Guild is actively working on the Drawing Board project, which is to be a Design service brand, with the goal of providing talent with work in order to retain it, and pursuing marketing activities to attract more talent, you can view an overall road map below.

services sounds like a department or project.