Governance Department S10 proposal

Authors: jengajojo
Date: 11-11-23
Wallet surplus: 0 BANK
Funds requested: 644,000 BANK
Multisig: 0xCf3efCE169acEC1B281C05E863F78acCF62BD944
Multisig signers: links, icedcool, thinkdecade, raybankless, jengajojo

Department Purpose & Mission/Value Alignment

The mission of the Governance Department is to steward governance conversation in BanklessDAO

By streamlining governance conversations and operations under a department, the DAO is able to become more efficient and effective at governing itself, thus acting as a catalyst towards fulfilling the mission of the DAO.


Factor KPI Success Metric
Governance updates # of proposals which pass forum quorum #≥1
Governance rewards # number of unique participants #≥10

Season 9 Activities

Delegated governance :man_running:

Temp Check [here] has been posted. We will continue working on this for the rest of this season as well as the next season

Onchain permissioning and roles management :white_check_mark:

Temp Check [here] has been posted, and we posted a bDIP [here] based on feedback

We have also investigated various options on how to implement this and have been actively working with Hats Protocol. We will continue working on V2 in S10.

DAO Legal Entity :x:

Temp Check [here] was posted. Based on the discussions we have had, there are many diverse opinions about this within the DAO. While there are several ways we can proceed, we lack a steward who can drive this home, therefore we will not actively work on this till such a steward is found. We are happy to support anyone who wishes to take this up in S10, however, this will not be a priority for the department

DAO Goals alignment

We have had several discussions on this topic, however there is no consenus on the next steps yet. We will continue working on this in S10.

Clarify mandate for Grants Committiee and/or Departments :white_check_mark:

We worked with the GC to clarify this which resulted in one temp check [here] as well as an announcement [here]. The GC has revamped funding for S10 and departments have been mandated to produce a Purpose in order to receive funding for S10.

Previous Season DAO Updates


Next Season Plan

  • Delegated governance
  • Onchain permissioning and roles management
  • DAO Goals alignment
  • Constitution Revision


Previous Season Accounting & Current Holdings

Can be found [here]

Third-Party Funding and External Revenue


Next Season Budget Breakdown

Budget Breakdown

Title BANK
Roles 144,000
WorkGroups 400,000
Bounties and misc 100,000
Total 644,000

Compensation Breakdown

Title Calculation BANK
Department Lead 7000BANK/week x 16 weeks 112,000
Accountant 2000BANK/week x 16 weeks 32,000
WorkGroups 100,000 BANK/WG x 4 400,000
Bounties and misc 100,000 100,000

Department Members

icedcool, hirokenelly, links, raybankless, jengajojo, winverse, misshomie

Additional Information

  • Department Notion Page [link]


  • Approve
  • Reject
  • Abstain
0 voters
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@Jengajojo can you please include a poll to allow the DAO the opportunity to signal on this request?

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Hello @Jengajojo - thanks for posting this proposal and all the great work the Dept of Governance does for the DAO!

A few questions:

  • Do you know what the CURRENT #'s for your KPIs are? Would love to see the baseline and see how we improve season over season.
  • What do you see as the biggest governance challenges at bDAO?
  • How does bDAO governance stack up to other governance structures you have seen?

Thanks again! Love your work =)

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thanks for the feedback links!

  1. In S9, we posted several Temp checks, but since they do not have any quorum requirements, the answer is 0 for bDIPs. However, I am hoping for the Guest Pass and Voting Addendum will hit quorum before the end of this season and we can hit ‘1’

  2. In terms of unique participants in governance in general there are more than 10 this season, however only members who contribute to the department are paid and last season that was 6 people.

  3. Unable to retain and incentivize governance talent due to market conditions is the biggest barrier imo

  4. Optimism, Maker and Nouns are the only examples I have seen where the governance is more advanced than what we do in BanklessDAO, otherwise we are much ahead of 90%+ of DAOs out there when it comes to governance.

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Hey @Jengajojo, I’m curious about the KPIs you’ve established for this proposal. When preparing the Ops Dept proposal I had a hard time coming up with KPIs, especially when they rely on #s of users or participants, and I wondered if you had similar considerations.

For example, the Governance Dept has no control over how many active users there are in the DAO, and participation in governance can be limited even in a bull market when the DAO is at its busiest.

So I’m wondering if you can comment on how effective these KPIs are as a reflection of the Governance Dept’s efforts as the number of contributors and governance participants fluctuate with macro market cycles.

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We recently posted a temp check on delegated governance with a possibility of compensating delegates for participation. While we have no control over who is active and who is not, the compensation question will be implemented with a transparent and measurable criteria which will be agnostic to market conditions. I hope that this is sufficient to keep a minimum number of participants active in governance. Over the longer arc, I’d like to identify key areas of expertise that the DAO needs and have a minimum number of active delegates in each of those areas and that can be a better way to track engagement which is valuable for the DAO.