Writers Guild Season 5 Budget Proposal

Writers Guild Season 5 Budget Proposal




The Writers Guild formally requests 823,000 BANK for the purpose of executing on Season 5 initiatives, and to instantiate new systems and programs that will focus on the three pillars of the Writers Guild: onboarding, education, and community.


During Season 4, the Writers Guild focused on building strong vibes in our community, educating current members, and onboarding new talent to the many projects that have been developed out of the Writers Guild.

The Talent Scout office has developed an active and engaged community to welcome and onboard new members to the Writers Guild. Despite difficult market conditions, we have continued to see new members joining, contributing to projects, and taking an active role in the operations of the guild.

In order to help BanklessDAO members gain confidence in writing and publishing, we partnered with Taptive to design a cohort-based learning program for our members. This program is designed to improve writing, grow members’ online reputation, and strengthen the relationship between members.

The Writers Guild has continued to promote and deepen its partnership with Good Morning News, an on-chain daily news organization. This has provided another channel for members to get involved and to assist in their continued development.

The Writers Guild also transitioned its governance procedures to Commonwealth in order to consolidate our governance practices and decision-making. This has served to improve the process by which the WG can further refine and clarify our internal agreements, with successful governance proposals being implemented for Intellectual Property Policy and L2 Migration strategy.

In Season 4 the Guild has implemented more frequent payments for guild and project contributors — fortnightly payments keep engagement and enthusiasm going and provide a visible incentive for new contributors.


In Season 5 we will continue to focus on onboarding, education, and community. The Guild will continue to guide and support the collaboration and coordination of the Newsletter Team and EPA, and work to increase and improve in-house educational systems to assist writers and editors in creating higher quality content. Governance and partnerships will continue to take a front seat as the Guild seeks better opportunities to showcase our members’ talents and gain larger market share of content views and newsletter subscriptions.


The total amount requested for the Writers Guild for Season 5 is 823,000 BANK. The breakdown is as follows, with table below for visual representation:

  • Guild Coordinator, Talent Scout, Education Coordinator, Marketing Coordinator, Treasurer, and Governance Coordinator roles as described in WG Governance V3 = 88,000 BANK each
  • Each role will have a 15,000 BANK pool to bounty out tasks for apprentices, as outlined in the Writers Guild Governance Framework
  • The Talent Scout will have an additional 10,000 BANK to distribute to new members who complete the onboarding process.
  • A Marketing Coordinator to be a liason between Writers Guild and Marketing Guild for sponsorship and partner opportunities, tweet newsletter and Bankless Publishing content, and provide monthly metrics.
  • A Writers Workshop Lead, for leading seasonal cohort-based Writers Workshops as part of ongoing educational efforts to improve talent across the Guild
  • A Notion Administrator position, as directed by the Operations Guild
  • A Bounty Pool of 60,000 BANK, for miscellaneous expenses and bounties.
  • The amount set aside for the Writers Guild Coordinape round at the end of the season amounts to 100,000 BANK
Roles Amount Bounty Pool/Remuneration Total
Guild Coordinator 88,000 BANK 15,000 BANK 103,000 BANK
Talent Scout 88,000 BANK 25,000 BANK 113,000 BANK
Education Coordinator 88,000 BANK 15,000 BANK 103,000 BANK
Marketing Coordinator 65,000 BANK 65,000 BANK
Treasurer 88,000 BANK 15,000 BANK 103,000 BANK
Governance Coordinator 88,000 BANK 15,000 BANK 103,000 BANK
Notion Secretary 13,000 BANK 13,000 BANK
Writers Workshop Lead 70,000 BANK 70,000 BANK
Guild Bounty Pool 60,000 BANK 60,000 BANK
Writers Guild Coordinape 100,000 BANK 100,000 BANK
Total 823,000 BANK


We will measure success by way of improved onboarding for new members and a higher percentage of members being remunerated for work. Our governance framework provides a way to determine who operates at what level within the Guild, stratifying membership to accommodate for different levels of participation. A Scribe is an active contributor who has completed a task in the past season and has received remuneration for their work.

KPI 1:

Current Scribes: 68

Season 5 goal: stable or increasing number of active contributors

Furthermore, by working to improve the coordination between the Guild, the Newsletter Team, and the EPA, the Guild will take as success the success of these two teams. By working to improve the onboarding process and develop systems by which Guild members can grow as writers and editors, the overall quality of content being produced will improve. We will continue to provide educational opportunities for our writers and editors in the form of writers workshops and a seasonal cohort-based learning program.

KPI 2:

Pre- and post-course survey to assess course effectiveness, skills gained and confidence in publishing content.


there is no Poll at the end of this proposal